Hair Types

Hair Type Chart

What is your hair type?

Let first find out what exactly a hair type is.  A hair type is the curl pattern, texture, density and porosity of your hair.  There are different natural hair / curl patterns as per the hair type chart above.  If you look closely you will better understand where your hair falls. You can also have many hair types in your head.

Hair density is the amount of strands on your head.  Its basically how thin or thick your hair is on your head. There are different levels of density.  Low, medium and high density.

With low density, scalp can be seen. With medium density, a bit of scalp can be seen. With high density, your scalp cannot be seen.

If you want to learn more about hair porosity. Check out this detailed post i have HERE.

Type 1 Hair
  • Cannot hold a curl unless you use certain types of curling products . Get oily quickly and needs to be washed almost daily. Resilient strands and hard to damage.
Type 2 Hair
  • Its mostly wavy hair, Just like type 1 hair it has a hard time holding a curl for a long time.
Type 3 Hair
  •  Its Curly.  Too much humidity can frizz the hair.
  • The best brush is the Denman brush and a wide tooth comb.
Type 4 Hair
  • The thickest of all hair types. Its kinky and coily.  Gets dry the quickest and needs to be moisturized frequently.
  • As much as the hair is thick it can be fine and fragile so needs to be handled with care. The strands can coil in itself so its prone to tangles and breakage.
  • The best hair brush to use for type 4 hair is the Denman brush or a wide tooth comb or simply use your fingers.
  • Depending on your hair porosity. Most type 4 hair love hair milks, creams and butters and the LCO or The LOC method
Why Its important for you to find out what your hair type is

✔ When you know your hair type, you will have information on hand on how to better care for your hair.

✔You will know what type of products are better for your hair type to cater for your specific curl type, porosity and density needs and also the amount  of hair product you really need on your hair when washing, conditioning and styling.

✔You will know how your hair responds to different weather conditions. Will your hair gets dry during cold weather, does your hair gets frizzy when its hot. You will prepare better for different climates.

✔You will know how your hair reacts to different hair treatments such as protein treatment etc .

✔You will know what hair brushes to use on your hair

✔You will know what hairstyles work best with your hair. For example with low density hair you can do hairstyles like bantu knots to add more volume to your hair.

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